Personal Reflection/Study Questions:
– Support your answers with Scripture.
1. What is concept of “common grace”?
2. How is common grace different than that of the saving grace received by Christ’s Bride – the Church?
Discussion Questions:
1. What characteristics do we expect a person to have when we hear them described as generous?
2. Tell about a time when you received generosity from someone. What did their generosity mean to you?
3. What do you think about when you hear that our God is a generous God?
4. Read 2 Corinthians 8:9. What does it mean to us that Christ “became poor” so that we might “become rich”?
5. God was greatly generous to us in Christ, even while we were still his enemies. How should we then think about our generosity?
6. If we were to, in faith, reflect God’s radical generosity what implications would that have for our daily lives?