“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” 
Colossians 2:6-7

Our Vision

Our vision is to invest in a permanent space that will allow us to:
  • Remain rooted in the city
  • Establish a long-term presence in a community
  • Expand the reach of the gospel
  • And provide space for others to join.

Our deep desire is to leave behind a physical space and a spiritual legacy for future generations to continue the work of the Gospel in Stockton and beyond. We are making concrete decisions that involve long-term commitments that will result in lasting fruitfulness.

Our Opportunity

We are purchasing 3034 Michigan Ave., Stockton, CA 95204. It is an existing church building located in the Country Club neighborhood, surrounded by homes, two schools, and a multitude of outreach opportunities. This building will provide room for growth, adequate space for parking, and will serve as a dedicated space for ministry to the surrounding community.

Our Goal

Our goal is to raise $600,000.

If 120 people give $5,000, we will reach our goal.
If 60 people give $10,000, we will reach our goal.
If 20 people give $30,000, we will reach our goal.

However, a gift of any amount will be a significant partnership in this endeavor.

Partner With Us

We invite you to partner in what God is doing at Reality Church Stockton and give sacrificially and courageously to the goal of purchasing our own building.