
Mar 12, 2017    Pastor Christian Simas    Psalm 34

Discussion questions:

1. “God’s goodness is the sum total of his revealed excellencies.” – J.I. Packer
– What are the excellencies God reveals to us in Exodus 34:6-7?

2. In what ways have we struggled to understand that God is truly good all the time in our lives (Mark 10:17,18)? Give examples.

3. “You can have as much of God as you want.” – Simas
– What are ways that we can truly taste and see that the LORD is good (Psalm 34:8a)?

4. Read Psalm 34:10. What good things do we think God is not capable of providing for us?

5. What are the things we need to turn away from and then press into God’s goodness? (Psalm 34:14)

6. How will you, in faith, lay hold of God’s goodness to you through Jesus Christ this week?