
Mar 5, 2017    Pastor Christian Simas    Acts 17:16-34

Discussion questions:

1. “To rely on a god that relies on you is not god at all.” What evidence in your life demonstrates that you think God needs you?

2. How does the reality that God is calling you simply because he loves you, and not because he needs anything from you, change your relationship with Him?

3. All things are from God (Acts 17:24a, Romans 9:16): What are the good things that God requires of us, yet also provides for us?

4. All things are through God (Acts 17:28, Colossians 1:17): God is the sustainer of all things and holds us in the grip of His grace! What are you holding on to that keeps you up at night and prevents you from entering His rest?

5. All things are to God (2 Corinthians 9: 8-11) What is the chief end of man? How should we respond to a God who isn’t counting on us to provide for His needs?

6. How would your life change if you risked everything and go ‘all in’ for our amazing God?