
Jan 29, 2017    Pastor Christian Simas    Psalm 63

Discussion questions:

1. What comes to mind when you think about Beholding God?

2. In this Psalm, David describes his experience of God’s nearness to him in a difficult time.
– When you are in times of trial what do you tend to look to for comfort?
– How have you experienced God’s nearness to you in times of difficulty?

3. God gives his children the faith needed to behold him.
– In faith, how has God drawn your attention to himself in times of hardship?
– Why, or how, has that brought you comfort?

4. Studies have shown that people who experience awe are more likely to act selflessly toward others.
– What about the God of the Bible produces awe in you?
– Share with your group how you experience awe of God?
– How does beholding the God of the gospel change the way we interact with others?

5. The gospel is the good news of God’s finished work.
– Describe an instance when the gospel felt like “a burning fire shut up in your bones” that you couldn’t hold in (Jeremiah 20:9).
– If we have found the gospel amazing, how can we build one another up to proclaim it?