Discussion questions:
1. What comes to mind when you think of God being immutable – unchanging?
2. How do you view the concept of change?
3. In what ways is it harmful for us to place our hope and assurance in things that change?
4. Consider v.12. How does God use a changing world to point us to that which is unchanging?
“God allows things to change in order that he might establish that which cannot change.” – A.W. Tozer
5. What changing parts of creation are you placing security in that need to be replaced with our unchanging God?
6. Read vv. 25-28. How does God’s unchanging nature bring you security and assurance that cannot be found in creation?
7. In light of the Immutable God enduring distress and abandonment (in Christ) for us, how will you confidently cry out v.2 with the Psalmist this week?