
Feb 5, 2017    Pastor Dave Lomas    Isaiah 6:1-7

Discussion questions:

1. What stood out to you from the text, sermon, or topic in general?

2. God created mankind in his image, yet we often attempt to recreate him in ours.
– What are some pitfalls when we understand God as essentially like us, but maybe a bit better?
– How is our perspective rearranged when we look at God as wholly other than us, and not just a better version of us?

3. God reveals himself to Isaiah in a vulnerable and uncertain time (v.1).
– What about God’s Holiness is comforting to you in times of difficulty?

4. We are quick to thank God for the benefits he provides us with, but why do we tend to struggle to worship God for just being who he is?

5. God, through Christ, makes the unclean, clean, or the unholy, holy.
– How does that clean record embolden us to come before God with confidence?
– How does God’s holiness, not our own, empower us to share the gospel with others?