
Apr 9, 2017    Pastor Christian Simas    Matthew 21:1-11

Personal Reflection/Study Questions

1. The Bible speaks a lot about a Messiah who will come to rescue God’s people from their enemies.
– What did the Jews expect this Messiah to come and do?
– What did Jesus, the true anticipated Messiah, actually come and do in his first advent? Support your answers with Scripture.

Discussion Questions

1. Imagine someone/something you would describe as majestic, what is it about the way they look/act that causes you to describe them this way?

2. Read Zechariah 9:9. In what varying ways is this prophecy fulfilled in our text in Matthew 21?

3. What are the consequences of looking for a savior that the world might expect rather than turning to the true savior, Jesus, who came to us “humble, and mounted on a donkey” (v.5)?

4. At times we lose sight of God’s majesty. In what ways/areas do we sometimes fail to translate our “singing into obeying”?

5. Tell about a time when your experience of God in Jesus Christ led you to say, “Who is this?” like the whole of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (v.10).

6. “Live in the Kingdom in such a way that provokes questions for which the Gospel is the answer.” – Lesslie Newbigin
– Leading up to Easter Sunday, how will we live out this call this week?