Fleeing the Presence

Aug 27, 2017    Pastor David Lipari    Jonah 1:3

Personal Reflection/Study Questions:

– Use Scripture to support your answers.
1. What is our only hope in life and death?

2. Is it possible to really flee from the presence of God? Why, or why not?

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever tried to flee from God’s presence? What caused you to do this?

2. In what way’s is God’s call on your life challenging?

3. Read Luke 6:27-28. In what ways would our lives look different if we lived out this command?

4. Read Psalm 139:7-12. In light of the fact that we cannot hide, or flee, from God’s presence, how then should we think about his call on our lives?

5. How does Ephesians 2:8-10 inform (or influence/shape) our approach to obedience?

6. Jonah heard the word of God and fled. How will we set out to live into the call of God on our lives this week?