A Mighty Tempest

Sep 3, 2017    Pastor Christian Simas    Jonah 1:1-4

Personal Reflection/Study Questions:

– Use Scripture to support your answers.
1. What are some other passages in the Bible that contain the phrase, “But the LORD” or “But God”?

2. What does this phrase imply in each case?

Discussion Questions:

1. Think of a time (past or present) when God brought a great storm into your life. How did you respond to him in it?

2. How does it make you feel that v.4 begins with, “But the LORD”?

3. How does your view of the storm you described earlier change when you see that God has sent it with a purpose?

4. “These actions [storms] declare God’s tenacious commitment to reconciliation with humanity.” – James Bruckner
– What does it mean to us that the storm isn’t evidence of God’s hate or disdain, but evidence of his grace and mercy?

5. Romans 2:4 tells us that God’s kindness is meant to lead us to repentance. What is the result of viewing storms as God’s kindness toward us?

6. “Because of Jesus, the storm, which is often an object of judgement, has now become an object of grace.” – Christian Simas
– How do we respond to this statement?