Into the depths
Personal Reflection/Study Questions:
-Use Scripture to support your answers.
1. Why is it important that we understand Jonah being swallowed up by a great fish to be an actual historical event rather than a myth?
Discussion Questions:
1. How has the theme of God’s relentless pursuit of his Church impacted you so far through our time in Jonah?
2. Read Romans 6:3-8. Reflecting on this passage, what does it mean to us that it is death to self that gives birth to new life in Christ?
3. Tell about a time when you experienced God “capturing” you in difficult circumstances. How did God use that to reveal himself to you more fully?
4. Read Jonah 2:9. What does it mean to you that salvation belongs to God?
5. The Apostle’s Creed states that Christ, “descended into hell”. What does that statement mean to you as a Christian?
6. Read Galatians 2:20. If this is true of you, how does it change the way you live your life?