Brought up from the pit
Personal Reflection/Study Questions:
-Use Scripture to support your answers
1. Why is Ephesians 2:1-10 such a great companion passage for our passage in Jonah?
Discussion Questions:
1. Read Ephesians 2:1-10. What about this passage stands out to you?
2. Tell about a time when you experienced God turning you back to himself while you were fleeing from him?
3. What does it mean to us that God’s grace gives us vision to see beyond our circumstances?
4. Read Jonah 2:8. As a group, recall the definition of the word “idol.”
-What influence does clinging to idols have in our lives?
5. On the other hand, in what ways does clinging to the one true God give us a hope that idolatry can’t?
6. Read Acts 16:23-25. How can we be exercising defiant faith in our lives?