Arise and Go

Aug 20, 2017    Pastor Christian Simas    Jonah 1:1-2

Personal Reflection/Study Questions:

-Use Scripture to support your answers.
1. Read through/reflect on the book of Ecclesiastes. How have you come to identify with the author’s thesis statement that “All is vanity”?

2. Read John 1:1-18. What does it mean that Jesus is the “Word” or the meaning of life?

Discussion Questions:

1. “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
– What gives your life meaning?

2. Read Jonah 1:1. What does it mean to us that God is a speaking God?

3. What are some of the ways in which God speaks to us?

4. Read Matthew 28:18-20. In what ways does this passage give us confidence and power to fulfill the mission Jesus has clearly called us into?

5. Knowing the depths of our own sins, what does it mean to us that before we were sent by God we were pursued by God?

6. Read John 20:21. What does it look like for us to respond to this verse with our lives?