Hurled Into the Sea
Personal Reflection/Study Questions:
– Use Scripture to support your answers.
1. In what ways does Jonah represent both Adam and Jesus in our passage?
Discussion Questions:
1. “… I fear the LORD, the God of heaven, who mad the sea and the dry land.” (v.9) What about this statement from Jonah invokes awe and reverence in you?
2. Read Jonah 1:7 and Proverbs 16:33. What does it mean to you that God is sovereignly at work even in the throw of the dice?
3. “Often we think the solution to our problems is to dig in and row harder for land.” – Steve Patton
– What are the consequences of this mindset or activity?
4. Read v.15-16. If the mariners on the boat, “feared the LORD exceedingly” because of the calm that came from hurling Jonah into the sea, how should we respond to God in light of Christ’s sacrifice?