As You Come To Him
Discussion Questions:
1. “The Christian is always coming to Christ.” – C.H. Spurgeon
– What are the marks of a Christian that show our faith is not a one time event but instead a continual movement toward Jesus?
2. Read v.6. In what ways do you think it’s important that Jesus is the “cornerstone chosen and precious”?
3. What do you think about the imagery of Christians being “living stones [that] are being built up as a spiritual house” (v.5)?
4. What does it mean to us that our spiritual, priestly, sacrifices are “acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (v.5)?
5. “Nobody thinks that he can be fed upon the fact that he did have a good meal six weeks ago; he has to eat continually.” – C.H. Spurgeon
– How do we respond to Peter’s call to keep coming to Christ?