Looking Forward Not Backward

Mar 4, 2018    Pastor Christian Simas    1 Peter 1:13-21

Personal Reflection Questions:

1. What are the areas of your past that you need to surrender to God today?

2. Have you neglected to fight for hope?

3. In this call to fixate on Christ, what distractions have you tolerated?

Discussion Questions:

1. “Christian community is the final apologetic.” – Francis Schaeffer
– What about the character and actions of the Christian community offers “proof” for the faith to the onlooking world?

2. Read v.14, 18-19. What influence does it have on our lives when we are constantly looking back?

3. Read v.13. In what ways might we “prepare [our] minds for action” in order to “set [our] hope fully” on the future that is ours in Christ?

4. “I’d rather be in hell with Christ, than be in heaven without him.” – Martin Luther
– What does that quote mean to you?

5. If the heavenly reward that awaits us is eternity with Christ himself, how does that change how we live today?