Following in His Steps
Apr 15, 2018 • Pastor Christian Simas • 1 Peter 2:13-25
Discussion Questions:
1. Think about suffering. What have you thought about the suffering you’ve experienced in your own life?
2. Reflect on the stories of Joseph, Esther, and Daniel and his friends. What about their stories stood out to you?
3. Read v.22-25. In what ways is the account of Jesus’ suffering different than the other stories?
4. If we have been called to “follow in his steps” (v.21) with our own suffering, how does this radically change our understanding of suffering?
5. “Jesus willingly left his home, stepped down into the brokenness of humanity, and sacrificially suffered, on our behalf.” – Pastor Christian
– In what ways can you be entering into brokenness and suffering for the betterment of others?