Bleed Blessing

Apr 29, 2018    Pastor Christian Simas    1 Peter 3:8-12

Discussion Questions:

1. Consider the word “bless.” What does this word mean to you?

2. “The Christian Community is to be an alternate society.” – Karen Jobes
– In what ways should the Christian society look different than the worldly society outside of it?

3. “When we are wounded, what comes out proves what was in us. Christians bleed blessing.” – Pastor Christian
– Tell about a time when you experienced hostility and you responded with blessing, or a time you responded with hostility.

4. Read v.9. What do you think it means that we are to “bless [our enemies]…that [we] may obtain a blessing”?

5. Read Philippians 2:1-11. Close your time praying together, and reflecting on the great savior we have in Christ.