Love Well
Personal Reflection:
1. “It is because you have nibbled so long at the table of the world [that] your soul is stuffed with small things and there is no room for the great.” – Piper
– What stale, worldly crumbs are you feeding on leaving you without an appetite for the feast of God’s word?
Discussion Questions:
1. Think about God’s love for us. What are some of the ways he shows us his love?
2. Read v.22.
– (a) As a group, describe loving sincerely. (b) Now, what are some challenges to loving in that way?
– (c) What does intense love look like? (d) Why might it be tempting to, instead, love moderately?
3. In what ways does the “living and abiding word of God” (v.23) grow us in the hope of our salvation?
4. Read Romans 5:6-11. Describe the ways God’s love, expressed here, is radically different than the cultural definition of “love.”
5. “[T]he gospel isn’t mere words, but God’s powerful means of bringing life.” – Pastor Christian
– In light of this, in what ways should we be arranging our lives to prioritize God’s life giving words?