A Vision For Belonging
Personal Reflection:
1. Are there aspects of belonging (membership) that concern you? If so what are they? List them out and commit to speaking with another member of the church (or your community group leader) about them.
Discussion Questions:
1. In only one or two words describe what it means to 'belong' to something. *Go around the room and have each person answer*
2. Read Romans 12:4-5. If we belong not only to Christ, but to each other, how does that shape the way we view the local church?
3. "...They devoted themselves to..." (v.42) can also be translated "...they continued steadfastly in..." What are some things that we should devotedly continue in together as a church?
4. What influence will a church committed to Christ and to one another have on us? What influence will it have on our city?
5. What does it mean for us to respond to the call to belong here at Reality Church of Stockton?
6. Close your time by praying together for the work that God intends to do in, and through, his church at Reality Stockton over the course of this series.