Serving Together
Personal Reflection:
Are you serving your local church?
- If yes, are you finding joy in it? What barriers has God worked you through to get to where you are now in your service?
- If no, why not? List the specific reasons and commit to talking to someone in your CG about them. (Someone who serves regularly)
Discussion Questions:
1. If you were to describe a God glorifying servant in one word, what would that word be? (Go around the room and have everyone answer)
2. "Belonging means embracing both the privileges and responsibilities of being a part [of the whole]." - Pastor Christian
- What are the privileges of belonging? What are the responsibilities?
3. "Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven." - John Milton
- In what ways do you think our culture reinforces this message?
4. Read Philippians 2:3-5. Why do you think Paul encourages the Philippian church to "count others more significant than yourselves"?
5. Read 1 Peter 5:6. Practically speaking, what will it look like in your daily life to do what this verse requires? Or, what potential change(s) is God revealing to you that you need to walk in by faith?