Praying Together

Nov 4, 2018    Pastor Christian Simas    Acts 2:42-47, 4:23-31

1. Read Acts 2:42-47 and 4:23-31

2. Pray together using the ACTS model for prayer

ACTS is a simple acronym that Christians have often used to guide prayer. Each letter stands for an element in prayer and helps us to prioritize our prayers.

(A) Adoration
(C) Confession
(T) Thanksgiving
(S) Supplication

Rather than discussing prayer, spend your time praying together utilizing the ACTS model. You can structure your time however you feel is best for your group.

For instance, as a group you can spend a set amount of time on each letter with the leader facilitating the transition when the time comes. Another way could be to simply keep the structure in mind and allow the Spirit to move the group along as he sees fit. However you do it, just spend your time praying.

When you are finished close your time praying the Lord's Prayer together (Matthew 6:9-13).

Helps: Please refer to the brief help below if anyone has questions about what types of prayer might be offered during each section.

Adoration. In this time, set your hearts and words to simply praise God for who he is (Matthew 6:9). In his book Prayer, John Onwuchekwa writes,
"In our prayers of praise, we want to remember what God is like, not just what he’s done for us. We’re praising him for his attributes and characteristics–his holiness, gentleness, goodness, even his wrath. The wonder of these prayers doesn’t come simply form listing off God’s attributes but from unpacking them. A prayer of adoration...helps blow away the clouds of moderate affection and boredom." (p. 80)

Confession. Next is a time to confess our personal and corporate sin (Matthew 6:12, James 5:16) knowing that God is faithful and just to forgive us (1 John 1:9).
"As we remember who we are when we come into God's presence, we see that we have come short of his holiness and have need of his forgiveness." (R.C. Sproul)

Thanksgiving. During this portion we give thanks. Be encouraged to empty the tank. Give thanks to God for his mercy and grace. Thank him for the breath in your lungs and the people around you. Every good and perfect gift comes from him (James 1:17). He has everything within his sovereign grasp (Psalm 50:10-12), and he provides for our every need (Matthew 6:25-34). Therefore, during this time respond accordingly by bringing him an offering of thanksgiving for all of it (Psalm 50:14).

Supplication. Finally, we get to our petitions. Here we set aside time to make our requests known to God (Philippians 4:6). We do this in light of everything we have prayed leading up to this point. We ask things of God after being reminded of his character, his ability, and all he has already done for us. We can bring our supplications confidently before the throne of our Almighty Father because of our high priest and advocate with him in Christ (Hebrews 4: 14-16, 1 John 2:1), and the spirit of adoption we have by his Holy Spirit in us (Romans 8:15).