Gathering Together

Oct 28, 2018    Pastor Christian Simas    Acts 2:42-47, Hebrews 10:19-25

Personal Reflection:

1. What are some things that attempt to keep you from gathering with your brothers and sisters every Sunday? Why do you think these things have such a place of prominence in you life?

Discussion Questions:

1. What is one thing that you do repeatedly and why do you do it? Go around the room and have everyone answer.

2. In what ways do you think our consumeristic culture has influenced our church attendance and commitment?

3. How does the lens of the gospel change our view of the Sunday service? How about our view of the Church?

4. "[In our Sunday services] not only are we formed, [but] God is using us to form others." - Pastor Christian
- Describe ways we're all participants in the service, stirring up one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24)?

5. Read Hebrews 10:23-25. If our weekly gathering needs to be prioritized, then what might we need to de-prioritize to do this?
- Be specific, and encourage one another in light of our future reality.