Believing Together
Personal Reflection:
1. Read through Reality Church of Stockton's Doctrine Statement. What questions do you have about it? Commit to talking with your CG Leader, a Deacon, or an Elder in the church about your questions.
Discussion Questions:
1. In one word, describe what "believing" means to you.
2. The Christian message is both inclusive and exclusive. In what ways does that shape how we interact with others?
3. How does the Christian message provoke both humility and gentleness in you?
4. Read Acts 2:37-38. What does "embodying the truth of the gospel" mean to you? Or, what actions does the gospel create in you?
5. "A living church is a learning church." - John Stott
- What influence does learning together as a church have on our local body?
6. How can we live out the truths we've discussed tonight?