Fruitfulness Through Jesus
Sep 23, 2018 • Pastor Christian Simas • John 15:1-17
Discussion Questions:
1. How do(have) you measure(d) success in your life?
2. What can we learn about christian fruitfulness through our passage? How else does the Bible talk about 'fruit'?
3. "We are saved by faith, not by growing fruit; but we are not saved by fruitless faith." - Timothy Keller
- What do you think about this claim? How do we reconcile faith and works (fruit)?
4. Read v.2. If God prunes those that do bear fruit, then how should we think about his pruning?
5. "When we offer him our life through faith, we offer our 'yes' in advance to all of his ways. Including the painful ones." - Pastor Christian
- If we believe this statement, what does it mean for our daily lives?