Union With Jesus

Sep 9, 2018    Pastor Christian Simas    John 15: 1-17

Personal Reflection Questions:

1. Jesus alone is the true vine. In light of that, what are some untrue vines you are attempting to abide in that you need to break free from?

CG Discussion Questions:

1. Think of someone you feel embodies abiding in Jesus. What about their character and actions demonstrate this?

2. Looking at our passage, and reflecting on the sermon, what does it mean to "abide"?

3. "When Jesus says, 'Abide in me," he is inviting us to find our home through union with him." - Pastor Christian
- In what ways does our union with Christ influence the way we view ourselves before God?

4. Read v.15. If Jesus has called us his friends, then how does that satisfy our deep longings to be "insiders"?

5. Jesus says he is the "true vine" (or the "true Israel"). What is Jesus communication with this pronouncement?

6. If abiding in Christ is not just a one time act, but a continual one, then how will we continue to pursue abiding in Christ?