Welcome to the Following track of the Discipleship Pathway at Reality Church Stockton!
As a reminder, this first track is for those exploring the Christian faith. Here you will learn about the core beliefs of Christianity. The goal of this track is to know who Jesus is and what it means to follow him by faith, and this track typically culminates in baptism.
If that’s you, then you’re in the right place!
If that’s you, then you’re in the right place!
What am I in for?
This track has three sessions and will take place in consecutive weeks.
What is in each session?
Each session has pre-work and work. Learning is like a potluck: everyone brings something unique to the table to share with others, and the meal isn’t complete unless we all bring our dishes. But, to share in the meal we all have to do the meal-prep for our parts.
Pre-work (Meal-Prep): prior to each weekly meeting, participants will need to watch the short video teaching, and have read the linked article(s). This is very important because it will allow our time together in the meeting to be productive for everyone.
Work (Meal): the work occurs in the meeting itself, and will largely be centered on a recap of the teaching (specific questions you may have, clarifications of things you didn’t understand, etc.), and centered around group-based learning. Each meeting will have discussion questions to be answered together.
This track has three sessions and will take place in consecutive weeks.
What is in each session?
Each session has pre-work and work. Learning is like a potluck: everyone brings something unique to the table to share with others, and the meal isn’t complete unless we all bring our dishes. But, to share in the meal we all have to do the meal-prep for our parts.
Pre-work (Meal-Prep): prior to each weekly meeting, participants will need to watch the short video teaching, and have read the linked article(s). This is very important because it will allow our time together in the meeting to be productive for everyone.
Work (Meal): the work occurs in the meeting itself, and will largely be centered on a recap of the teaching (specific questions you may have, clarifications of things you didn’t understand, etc.), and centered around group-based learning. Each meeting will have discussion questions to be answered together.