I Shall Not Fear

Aug 19, 2018    Pastor Christian Simas    Psalm 23

Discussion Questions:

*Read all of Psalm 23 as a group*

1. Think about a hardship from your past or present. What about these valleys has God used to make you who you are today?

2. “The vision of suffering as the path to glory for the people of God is undoubtedly biblical.” – John Stott
– What are some biblical examples of suffering leading to glory?

3. Read Job 42:5. What do you think about the difference between Job’s hearing and seeing?

4. “I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me up against the Rock of Ages.” – C.H. Spurgeon
– What does it mean to us to embrace our seasons in the valley?

5. If our Good Shepherd is with us, even in the valleys of “shadow death,” then how should we respond with our daily lives?