The True King

Jan 7, 2018    Pastor Christian Simas    Matthew 2:1-12

Personal Reflection/Study Questions:

1. What is typically celebrated in the “Epiphany” period of the Church calendar?

2. Why is it not important what the star was, but whose it was?

3. The wise men brought very costly gifts before Jesus.
– What are the areas of your life you are finding most difficult to offer to Jesus?
– What are you afraid of losing?
– What do God’s promises have to say about your fears?

Discussion Questions:

1. To you, what is it about Jesus that demands a response?

2. Read v.1-3. What do you think about Herod’s response to the birth of Jesus?

3. Read v.4-6. In what ways do you find the response (or non-response) of the religious leaders very easy to relate to?

4. Read v.9-11. What about the response of the wise men is deeply different than the responses of the two previous groups?

5. If Jesus really is worthy of our whole lives, then why, at times, do we respond like Herod and the religious leaders?

6. What would it mean for our lives if we sought to respond, at all times, like the wise men?