An Encounter With The Risen Jesus

Apr 1, 2018    Pastor Christian Simas    Luke 24:13-35

Discussion Questions:

1. To you, what about the resurrection of Jesus makes Easter worthy of continual celebration?

2. “I ran, but God pursued me.” – Pastor Christian
– Share with your group how you have found this to be true in your own life.

3. What do you think about Jesus using the Old Testament to show that it was “necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory” (v.26)?

4. Read vv.30-32. Tell about a time when you experienced Jesus causing your heart to burn within you as you interacted with the truth of God’s word.

5. “Jesus is not a figure in a book but a living presence. It is not enough to study the story of Jesus like the life of any other great historical figure. We may begin that way but we must end by meeting him.” – William Barclay
– What impact does the reality of the living and present Christ have for your daily life?