Community Groups

As a church, we exist to glorify God by making disciples of all people, and Community Groups are a vital way to do that.
Once a week, members from Reality Church Stockton gather together in people’s homes to cultivate relationships that encounter Jesus and transform lives. Community Groups aim to do this through the three pillars of Presence, Prayer, and Practices.
Presence. In a world full of digital barriers, one of the most life-giving gifts to give/receive is the gift of presence. In the Incarnation, Jesus took on flesh to come dwell with us. Today, Jesus continues to be present with us, through his body–the Spirit-filled Church. This is where we encounter Jesus. Community depends on embodied and enduring presence, where we are present with and for one another, in order to share in life’s joys and struggles.

Prayer. Christian community is formed around communion with God. Prayer is how we cultivate relationship with God and with one another. It is the basis for true and lasting fellowship. This is where we encounter Jesus, together. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer explains, “a Christian fellowship lives and exists by the intercession of its members for one another, or it collapses” (Life Together).
Practices. How do we get to the truth of who Jesus is and who we are becoming in him? How do we get to the point where Jesus permeates our lives? We discipline ourselves to spiritual practices. The Apostle Paul talks about Christ being formed in us (Gal. 4:19).  The vision for the Christian life is the likeness of Christ taking shape in our life, family, and our community. Practices are essential in our formation, and practices in community brings about depth of unity.

Our groups operate on a Fall/Spring semester schedule that loosely follows the school calendar. For more information about community groups you can contact the church office at If you are interested in joining a community group, please sign up!